New Friend
Lets Hangout (quarantine art)
Punk Rock
Game summer 2019 at FoxNext Games Character 1 of 3, for a short version of auto chess that we designed in our 3 day game jam. I designed the characters to be recognized by color and from. The sniper is the long range attack specialist with better mobility but low health.
Game summer 2019 at FoxNext Games Character 2 of 3, for a short version of auto chess that we designed in our 3 day game jam. I designed the characters to be recognized by color and from. The tank is the short range heavy attack specialist with poor mobility but high health.
Game summer 2019 at FoxNext Games Character 3 of 3, for a short version of auto chess that we designed in our 3 day game jam. I designed the characters to be recognized by color and from. The caster is the medium range attack specialist with best mobility but medium health.
Plague Carrier
The plague carrier came about as a bit of an inside joke. I was sick a couple of weeks in a row and my manger jokingly began to call me the plague carrier, then challenged me to design the character. I imagined a character the moved from town to town and used a n incense burner to fill the streets with a fog that would ultimately cause a contagious outbreak.
The man-bear-pig is a re-stylized drawing of the character from South Park. The idea I had, was to bring the character closer to more comic or cartoon styling, rather than its 2D flat style that the show usually shows their characters in.
Forest Guardian
This character I imagined to be a forest dweller, peaceful and otherwise keeping to itself. The only time this is not the case, is when the forest is under threat by any kind of man made threat. I wanted him to look as menacing as possible, something that if it came charging through the dense trees of a forest would present the a shock and awe factor. I started this image a year prior to posting it, and realized it needed more finish before posting it.
This is loosely based on a stock image from a web search. I think that the original photo was intentionally shot with a lens that was meant to exaggerate certain facial features. I only furthered that idea in the black and white before deciding I would take it into color for its final form.
This was a quick study experimenting with a bokeh effect and light.
Pure Rage
This was a fun side project where I was experimenting with variations in color. I wanted from the very beginning to have the hands to express some sort of anguish in their form alone, then really punch it up with the red. For the face I wanted to use a color that was neutral and wouldn't over shadow the hands, but would still read on the dark background.
Alpha Twins
I wanted to do something fun, just sort of a 50s sci-fi theme. I thought of them as a brother and sister team with the brother's body obviously not having survived a past accident, and his mind being implanted into some sort of murder machine.
Vampire Lord
Here I was going through a classic art phase. I saw the paintings of early Dutch painters on display at the Getty, and thought to myself what it would look like if that sort of soft oil painting look was applied to an artists impression of a vampire.
Mega Man Villain (ERROR)
I always like the Mega Man games, but more so for their character designs. The how they caught the old boy robot vibe of old anime. With that in mind I wanted to make a rage type villain for that style game. The fun part was creating the ticker style visor which I wanted to read as an OG Game Boy screen.
Oni Warrior
Sometimes watching even a bad show will influence me to draw something. For this I was watching an anime that I didn't particularly care for the content of the show but still decided to put my own western touch to a more human/Oni hybrid. The exaggerated sword and the Obi and the over sized sword in a sheath are a nod at the Naruto series.
Frog Mask
A weird tribal mask I imagined could be mounted to a wall by some nobleman that wanted to convey he was well traveled.
Time Traveling Wastes Soldier
This originally started as a watercolor image before I discovered digital art and it's benefits. As time progressed I would add more to his appearance, but generally kept him as original as he was when I first drew him onto paper.
Augmented Soldier
The military of the future would most likely use augmented soldiers, both physically and mechanically. I took reference from current military machinery which always throws back to function over form, the sort of boxy look of things. The veins in on his face are to suggest he is taking some sort of performance enhancing cocktail to boost things like speed, stamina, strength...etc...
The civilization is not lost to the waves but adapted to live under water using all it's technological superiority.
Agony of Time
The Protector
This was oddly enough inspired by Kubo and the 2 Strings. I also have a liking for Inuit culture. With that in mind I decided to create a piece that told the story of a small, lost Inuit child and the beast protecting the child on the journey back to the tribe.
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